Put Out the Fire
I meant to do some book release thing yesterday, but I got on Facebook and noticed my homeland was on fire! I was a little kid in San Francisco, and then my parents divorced and my dad remarried. I moved with my dad, my stepmother and my new older sisters to Sonoma County when I was… Read more »
For a long time now- a few years, maybe- I’ve been thinking in the back of my mind how cool it would be to send people little notes and pictures, on scraps of paper. Like, if I had infinite resources, I would mail people postcards with tiny instructions. Or a poem. Or a story that… Read more »
Coming Soon: Morbid Mandalas
Join the Artsy Fartsy Coloring AND Colouring group here.
Back when I was pretty, then not pretty, then pretty, then not pretty…
When the Zanimal was in preschool and still called Little Z, we used to ride together in the morning. I would take her to preschool, and then go on to work. She went through this phase when she was three or four years old, when she would tell me when I looked pretty, and when… Read more »
Donkey Day(s?)
Donkey Day is a holiday my Grandma Ruth made up, because she’s awesome that way. Donkey Day is that special time of year when you take all of your donkey figurines out of the closet, and arrange them decoratively around your home! Display them proudly for all of the donkey days. (I don’t remember when… Read more »
Zurgioch the Last Unicorn
The Cat and Crow ordered another weird wooly creature sculpture from me. That was a while ago. It was summertime, and impossible to find time to do a large creative project without someone asking, “What are you doing? Why are you doing that? Who is it for? That doesn’t look like a unicorn!” Etc. So… Read more »
T-Rex in High Heels
My coloring book fans are goofy! I guess that isn’t surprising. In the Artsy Fartsy Coloring with Shoshanah Marohn group on Facebook, I’m running a contest where the prize is that you get to tell me what to draw! Tina won (there can be more than one winner) and she wanted me to draw a T-Rex… Read more »
Color Henry David Thoreau with a Wood Trush
from Birds in Beards 2: Dead Poets Edition Thoreau is kind of a cheat. He wasn’t a poet. I just thought, what a weird beard! “This is the only bird whose note affects me like music. It lifts and exhilarates me. It is inspiring. It changes all hours to an eternal morning.” -Henry David Thoreau,… Read more »
Color Luís Vaz de Camões with a Halcyon
According to my friend Rui Afonso: XVI century… self exiled in military in North Africa due to an unrequited love. Lost his eye but lived to write the Epic poem that tells the story of the Portuguese Discoveries. Poems don’t translate well, but here is a poem of his in Portuguese (Don’t speak Portuguese? Learn it!):… Read more »
Limited Visibility
If I had one of those minivans with stickers for all of my family members on the back window, including pets, I don’t think I would be able to see out the back window.