Of Course I Wrote a Dan Book

When the Safer at Home orders came down, some people asked me, “Are you going to write another book during all of this free time?” And I was really annoyed, because I didn’t have any more free time! I have a child, and it was spring, and I had to make lunch a lot. But… Read more »

  • artvartist shoshanah marohn


    #Artvartist is where you create a collage of a picture of yourself, surrounded by your art.  

  • Surprises of Spring

    We didn’t breed the sheep this year, because we have enough sheep! We did get two lambs and an adult ewe from a friend last fall. So, that made twenty-five. “When are you lambing?” everyone in the sheep community kept asking. “We aren’t lambing this year,” I told everyone. Today I noticed a new little… Read more »

  • felt sculpture


    The Wallflowers Sometimes, it takes me a little bit longer (or even a lot longer) than a month to create a new book. And yet, it has been sort of implied at the “Love to Color” $25 a month level of my Patreon that you might receive something every month for your $25. Last month,… Read more »

  • Spitefully Black

    Over the weekend, while my daughter and husband played Minecraft, I was painting a cat in a fez. It’s fun to paint cats in hats. I painted the background first, then the fez, then finally the cat itself, which I envisioned as a Russian Blue.  I was painting it grey. Zanimal, age 10, came up… Read more »

  • Vampire Mandala

    Revamping the Red Cross

    The Status Quo When I go to the Red Cross and give blood regularly (you’re welcome, hundreds of people whose lives I’ve saved!) they are like super nice. Sometimes, they give you cookies– not just a few cookies, I mean, like 120 cookies that you can put out at your Holiday Market Party. And that’s… Read more »

  • The Literary Origins of This Last Jedi Character Will Make You Smile

    In The Wind in the Willows, Mr. Toad disguises himself as a washerwoman to elude the police. Then…

  • Go FCC Yourself

    Have you contacted the FCC to tell them how important you think net neutrality is? Please do! John Oliver’s handy “gofccyourself” shortcut is still active and makes it very easy! 1. Click gofccyourself.com This redirects you to the FCC’s misleadingly named “Restoring Internet Freedom” proceedings page. 2. Click “+Express” 3. Check that “Proceeding(s)” is pre-populated with… Read more »

  • Trash.

    Someone please tell me who originated this meme.

  • The Power of Suggestion, Rules, Parameters, and the Glob Like Layers of Learning or Why Telling Me What to Do is Now a Thing You Get to Do (for a price)

    When you think about creativity, as an abstract thing, I always used to think it was something akin to absolute freedom. The freer one was, the more creative one could be. As I have aged and grown as a person and as an artist, I’ve found that creativity is often enhanced by limitations. Limiting your… Read more »

  • Don’t Look in the Pasture

    We got new sheep on Sunday. Two lambs, a black and a white one, and then an old sheep named Sofi. Sofi was Melissa’s pet. All three of these sheep are adorable and very sheep like. They don’t have horns or anything, like our other ones. The new ones are Corriedales. Zanimal wanted to take… Read more »