Of Course I Wrote a Dan Book

When the Safer at Home orders came down, some people asked me, “Are you going to write another book during all of this free time?” And I was really annoyed, because I didn’t have any more free time! I have a child, and it was spring, and I had to make lunch a lot. But… Read more »

  • Color Henry David Thoreau with a Wood Trush

    from Birds in Beards 2: Dead Poets Edition Thoreau is kind of a cheat. He wasn’t a poet. I just thought, what a weird beard! “This is the only bird whose note affects me like music. It lifts and exhilarates me. It is inspiring. It changes all hours to an eternal morning.” -Henry David Thoreau,… Read more »

  • Color Luís Vaz de Camões with a Halcyon

    According to my friend Rui Afonso: XVI century… self exiled in military in North Africa due to an unrequited love. Lost his eye but lived to write the Epic poem that tells the story of the Portuguese Discoveries. Poems don’t translate well, but here is a poem of his in Portuguese (Don’t speak Portuguese? Learn it!):… Read more »

  • Limited Visibility

    If I had one of those minivans with stickers for all of my family members on the back window, including pets, I don’t think I would be able to see out the back window.

  • Walt Whitman by Shoshanah Marohn

    Color Walt Whitman with a Brown Thrush

    From Birds in Beards 2: Dead Poets Edition: When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d BY WALT WHITMAN 1 When lilacs last in the dooryard bloom’d, And the great star early droop’d in the western sky in the night, I mourn’d, and yet shall mourn with ever-returning spring. Ever-returning spring, trinity sure to me you… Read more »

  • Anaconda in an Airship with Aardvark Angels and an Acrobat; an Albatross Swims Below beside a fallen Acorn


  • The End of Plumbing

    My dear sweet daughter offered to clean the cat’s litter box last Saturday morning. What a sweetheart! I was sitting and eating my breakfast.  “Can I clean off the bottom really well? You don’t seem to ever really clean it that well,” she called from the bathroom. “Sure. Of course.” I was drinking my coffee…. Read more »

  • This Just Landed – Birds in Beards 2: Dead Poets Edition

    Available in traditional paper, or a PDF to print at home on, say, watercolor paper or colored paper. It’s a little bit different from the first Birds in Beards, mainly in that the poetry is a lot better. I used all of the best old timey poets in the public domain, so they are high… Read more »

  • Coloring Book of Portraits

    I’m working on a new coloring book. It’s portraits of colorists. Do you like to color? Would you like to be in it? Email me your picture with your favorite animal at shoshanah@topbarbee.com. Working on the cover image now. Zanimal colored it for me.

  • My Week In Pictures

  • Things My Daughter Does When She Goes to the Bathroom

    Things she does:  Poops Pees Brushes her hair Reads Harry Potter Plays video games Video chats with Grandma Kathleen Scrapbooking (organizing photos, writing captions. Etc.) Things she does not do: Flush the toilet