Of Course I Wrote a Dan Book

When the Safer at Home orders came down, some people asked me, “Are you going to write another book during all of this free time?” And I was really annoyed, because I didn’t have any more free time! I have a child, and it was spring, and I had to make lunch a lot. But… Read more »

  • Have a Heart

    I found this drawing while cleaning today. It’s dark! Probably the most goth/emo thing I’ve ever done. Purchase a print or a coffee mug here.

  • Snowed In

    We’ve had some weather here lately. Worried about the sheep last week, especially the ram lambs, who had no shelter, I tried to get them to go into the barn. But they would not go! I put treats in. I tried everything. So, that was frustrating. So I drove the truck up the hill and… Read more »

  • Puppy Sleep Disorder

    I’ve been acting strangely after going to sleep at night. Twice now, it’s happened. I went to bed, fell asleep, and then about half an hour later, I woke up with a start, thinking I FORGOT TO TAKE CARE OF THE DOG! I then get up and go downstairs, looking everywhere for the dog. I… Read more »

  • Deep Winter Angst Quiche Recipe

     This is a recipe for when your chickens’ eggs all freeze before you get to them. Just rinse them off and stick them in the freezer. Once you have ten or so, make this recipe. If you live in a warmer region, you aren’t allowed to make this. Joking! You can make this by just… Read more »

  • I put a heat lamp in the barn for the precious ones.

    Winter came late late and cold this year.  Initially, the cats were hanging out in the highest point in the barn. Although their choice for perches might also have to do with this sweet dog who’s been hanging out with us this week, Cooper the Standard Poodle who doesn’t know he’s big.  Cooper loves me…. Read more »

  • Scruffy the Possum

    We’ve known for awhile that we had a possum. Zanimal named him “Scruffy.” This year has been an insane year for mice- we’ve caught about eighty in mouse traps in our house and garage. Every day, I toss the dead mice from the traps outside, and they immediately disappear, because Scruffy eats them. He’s a… Read more »

  • Tulip fields in Lisse, Netherlands

    Temperature Blanket 2019

    This year, I don’t have a resolution so much as a little project: a temperature blanket. A temperature blanket is a blanket where the colors are based on the temperature each day where you live. I got the idea from a friend who did it last year. She did it based on where she lives,… Read more »

  • Good Morning

    A beautiful day to start a new year.

  • This Friday evening, Make it So

    Come one, come all to the Jangle Soapworks Open House at the Old School House in Mount Horeb, Wisconsin, this Friday, December 7, from 4-8. With every purchase of my books or wool objects or paintings, you will get a free bumper sticker of my head (while supplies last). Ten other vendors will be selling… Read more »

  • Cat Butt Blindness

    My cats put their asses in my faces so much that I don’t see them anymore. Case in point: I took Hannah to the vet today to have her spayed, and the vet says that Hannah is a tom cat. This is not the first time this has happened. Teresa was a boy, too. (Named… Read more »