This year, I don’t have a resolution so much as a little project: a temperature blanket. A temperature blanket is a blanket where the colors are based on the temperature each day where you live. I got the idea from a friend who did it last year. She did it based on where she lives, in San Francisco, so it’s basically four colors. It’s really pretty. I thought basing it on the temperature where I live would be even more colorful, though, because the temperature varies so much more here in Wisconsin. These are the colors I chose:

Temperature quilt for 2019

Take the high temperature where you live and choose color accordingly. Each day, knit one row, 365 rows make a blanket. 

100+ yellow “aged brass”

90-99 maroon “redwood”

80-89 pink “peony pink”

70-79 purple “fig”

60-69 light grey 

50-59 teal “natural blend denim”

40-49 almond

30-39 orange “pumpkin”

20-29 dark gray

10-19 winter white

0-9 marine blue

Below 0 black

I’m thinking it might look like this field of tulips in Lisse, Netherlands when I’m done.

Tulip fields in Lisse, Netherlands

Tulip fields in Lisse, Netherlands


It was 24 degrees today, so I did my first row in dark grey.

Row one is dark grey because the high today was 24. 364 more rows to go! I’m excited.


This post brought to you by my books. ❤️


Written by Shoshanah Marohn

Shoshanah Lee Marohn is sometimes using the nickname/ pen name Shana Lee, because it is much less complicated, and easier to spell.

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