This year, I don’t have a resolution so much as a little project: a temperature blanket. A temperature blanket is a blanket where the colors are based on the temperature each day where you live. I got the idea from a friend who did it last year. She did it based on where she lives, in San Francisco, so it’s basically four colors. It’s really pretty. I thought basing it on the temperature where I live would be even more colorful, though, because the temperature varies so much more here in Wisconsin. These are the colors I chose:
Temperature quilt for 2019
Take the high temperature where you live and choose color accordingly. Each day, knit one row, 365 rows make a blanket.
100+ yellow “aged brass”
90-99 maroon “redwood”
80-89 pink “peony pink”
70-79 purple “fig”
60-69 light grey
50-59 teal “natural blend denim”
40-49 almond
30-39 orange “pumpkin”
20-29 dark gray
10-19 winter white
0-9 marine blue
Below 0 black
I’m thinking it might look like this field of tulips in Lisse, Netherlands when I’m done.
It was 24 degrees today, so I did my first row in dark grey.
This post brought to you by my books. ❤️
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