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Arting and Stuff

1. Decide on a theme. (In this case: Birds in Beards 2: Dead Poets.) 2. Research. Poets? Poems? Birds? 3. Decide on a subject. (In this case: John Burroughs.) 4. Decide on an animal. In this case, a Cardinal (because it is a snow bird, and Burroughs had a poem about snow birds). 5. Sketch… Read more »

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How to Draw a Guy with a Bird in his Beard

1. Draw a guy. 2. Add a beard. 3. Draw a bird in the beard. Another way is to have some really weird dudes visit you as you sketch them and their strange beard ecosystems. I speak from experience when I say, “Live models are a huge mistake! Bird poop everywhere! I’m missing my left… Read more »