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Arting and Stuff

1. Decide on a theme. (In this case: Birds in Beards 2: Dead Poets.) 2. Research. Poets? Poems? Birds? 3. Decide on a subject. (In this case: John Burroughs.) 4. Decide on an animal. In this case, a Cardinal (because it is a snow bird, and Burroughs had a poem about snow birds). 5. Sketch… Read more »

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Name a Dead Poet Who Had a Handsome Beard

So far I’ve got: William Shakespeare Christopher Marlowe Walt Whitman Allen Ginsberg  Shel Silverstein Alfred Lord Tennyson Henry David Thoreau Rabindranath Tagore Dante Gabriel Rossetti  D.H. Lawrence Luís Vaz de Camóes Jim Morrison  Robert Browning And a recommendation to read this (formerly) obscure book:  All of this is, of course, for Birds in Beards 2:… Read more »

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How to Draw a Guy with a Bird in his Beard

1. Draw a guy. 2. Add a beard. 3. Draw a bird in the beard. Another way is to have some really weird dudes visit you as you sketch them and their strange beard ecosystems. I speak from experience when I say, “Live models are a huge mistake! Bird poop everywhere! I’m missing my left… Read more »