
What is the purpose of a fez, really? Is it to protect the middle of your head from a cold wind? Is it to help bald people get a perfectly spherical sun tan? Or is it to tickle your cute black kitty ears with the tassel?

Clearly, it’s to tickle your cute black kitty ears.

This cat is probably a Shriner, and also a member of the Illuminati. If you stare too closely into her yellow eyes, she will hypnotize you with her love grip. In her spare time, she likes to visit ancient ruins by the sea.

Don’t need a painting? Prints and coffee mugs are also available with this Fez donning Cat! 



Original, 11″ x 14″ (15.6 ” x 18.6″ with frame) painting by Shoshanah Marohn.

Written by Shoshanah Marohn

Shoshanah Lee Marohn is sometimes using the nickname/ pen name Shana Lee, because it is much less complicated, and easier to spell.

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