Of Course I Wrote a Dan Book

When the Safer at Home orders came down, some people asked me, “Are you going to write another book during all of this free time?” And I was really annoyed, because I didn’t have any more free time! I have a child, and it was spring, and I had to make lunch a lot. But… Read more »

  • Counting Sheep

    Every day, I go out and count the sheep, making sure no one got eaten in the night. I look them over and see how they’re doing. An easy way to tell they are all right is to drive a little farm vehicle beside the pasture, and if they all run after it- well, they’re… Read more »

  • Autumn Mornings

    I was inspired by another blog post to write about mornings in autumn. It’s dark when we wake up, this time of year. Sometimes, I go out before the chickens are up. I come into the chicken coop, and they are all still sitting on their perches. They see me and look down for a good… Read more »

  • The Historian

    “The Historian” Is a Beautifully Written Quest for Nosferatu

    I just finished, The Historian, by Elizabeth Kostova. It’s a historical fiction/horror novel about Dracula— but calling it that really doesn’t do it justice. Here are seven reasons I loved The Historian: 1. Immediately, I was drawn into this book. Kostova is a master of language. “My dear and unfortunate successor,” begins the letter that changes… Read more »

  • Sunday Funnies: Nostalgia

  • birds-in-beards-makes-frog-applaus-comic-strip

    Yes, We Feel The Love, Teresa Burritt

    My favorite comic is Teresa Burritt’s Frog Applause. I check it every day. To my delight, Teresa Burritt is also a fan of my work. I know this because she told me once. And also, I know this because (to my delight) she included a mention of my Birds in Beards Coloring Book in her… Read more »

  • How to Explain Mansplaining

    I took my daughter to piano lessons one day, and waited in the piano teacher’s living room while she taught a small class of students downstairs. A father was in there, too. I was getting ready to butcher chickens in a few days, and I was taking orders for chicken meat from the piano teacher… Read more »

  • Meet the Sheep: Mimi

    This is the Cutest Sheep in the Universe, Mimi. Mimi is a pure bred Jacob Sheep. She is one of Yoshimi’s spring lamb twins from 2015. (The other is called Yoshi.) Mimi’s horns go straight out and curve down in front of her face- not a common sight. I wonder what the world looks like… Read more »

  • Loch Ness Monster

    The Truth Is Out There: Nessie

    With all of the hoopla around this U.S. presidential election and that crazy dude Tim Kaine saying all of his crazy stuff (I mean really, can we go a day without hearing something crazy that Tim Kaine said?) the news stories that really matter seem to have been largely ignored! Namely, this picture of the… Read more »

  • No Black Sheep

    I don’t want to sound all judgy or anything, but these sheep could have worn something a little less racist looking to go to the Dane County Fair last summer.     These sheep were our neighbors (our sheep were in a pen next to them). Their people were really nice people. Am I weird… Read more »

  • Nostalgia SPF Hat

    Sunday Funnies: Nostalgia