Sometimes, I fantasize about drawing a game of some sort. Maybe a card game. This is the Queen of Cats.
Tree with roots! The whole tree, you might say. I’ve been putting these up at my art pal page, too- so if you want this on a coffee mug, well, you can
This one was inspired by my college roommate, Alice, who had (probably still has) the most amazingly beautiful, curly red hair I’ve ever seen on anyone. And it went with her looks, too. She’s quite stunning. Tom Robbins wrote something about redheads, once: “The harsh truth is, most red-haired men look like blondes who’ve spoiled… Read more »
This guy is completely imaginary, as is the bird in the window. I’m not sure if it’s a really bird, or a ceramic bird, or a stained glass bird. Maybe he wants to help with the dishes?
In high school, Jared was what Midwesterners call, “an odd duck.” He had long black hair and he wore a suit to school every day. He often carried a briefcase. The briefcase was like the Queen’s purse- what does he keep inside of it? One evening, I went with my dad to his BBS club meeting… Read more »
Bodkay the Cat died in July. The last photo of him healthy was of him sleeping in a little suitcase. I drew this from the photo.