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The Wallflowers Sometimes, it takes me a little bit longer (or even a lot longer) than a month to create a new book. And yet, it has been sort of implied at the “Love to Color” $25 a month level of my Patreon that you might receive something every month for your $25. Last month,… Read more »

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Spitefully Black

Over the weekend, while my daughter and husband played Minecraft, I was painting a cat in a fez. It’s fun to paint cats in hats. I painted the background first, then the fez, then finally the cat itself, which I envisioned as a Russian Blue.  I was painting it grey. Zanimal, age 10, came up… Read more »

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Revamping the Red Cross

The Status Quo When I go to the Red Cross and give blood regularly (you’re welcome, hundreds of people whose lives I’ve saved!) they are like super nice. Sometimes, they give you cookies– not just a few cookies, I mean, like 120 cookies that you can put out at your Holiday Market Party. And that’s… Read more »

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The Power of Suggestion, Rules, Parameters, and the Glob Like Layers of Learning or Why Telling Me What to Do is Now a Thing You Get to Do (for a price)

When you think about creativity, as an abstract thing, I always used to think it was something akin to absolute freedom. The freer one was, the more creative one could be. As I have aged and grown as a person and as an artist, I’ve found that creativity is often enhanced by limitations. Limiting your… Read more »

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Thank You! 

I made this video for my patreon subscribers. (If you haven’t subscribed yet, subscribe at patron.com/shoshanah first, then watch.) ​ ​

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For a long time now- a few years, maybe- I’ve been thinking in the back of my mind how cool it would be to send people little notes and pictures, on scraps of paper. Like, if I had infinite resources, I would mail people postcards with tiny instructions. Or a poem. Or a story that… Read more »

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Zurgioch the Last Unicorn

The Cat and Crow ordered another weird wooly creature sculpture from me. That was a while ago. It was summertime, and impossible to find time to do a large creative project without someone asking, “What are you doing? Why are you doing that? Who is it for? That doesn’t look like a unicorn!” Etc. So… Read more »

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T-Rex in High Heels

My coloring book fans are goofy! I guess that isn’t surprising. In the Artsy Fartsy Coloring with Shoshanah Marohn group on Facebook, I’m running a contest where the prize is that you get to tell me what to draw! Tina won (there can be more than one winner) and she wanted me to draw a T-Rex… Read more »

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Color Henry David Thoreau with a Wood Trush

from Birds in Beards 2: Dead Poets Edition Thoreau is kind of a cheat. He wasn’t a poet. I just thought, what a weird beard! “This is the only bird whose note affects me like music. It lifts and exhilarates me. It is inspiring. It changes all hours to an eternal morning.” -Henry David Thoreau,… Read more »