I have seven yearling wethers that I would like to sell as a group.
Breed: Jacob / Corriedale Cross (More Jacob than Corriedale, about 75% Jacob, 25% Corriedale)
Temperament: Surprisingly mellow for being so much Jacob. Most of them let me pet them on the nose.
Wool: Some are dark brown/ black, some are white with spots in the traditional Jacob marking. All have thick wool. (See pictures.)
Size: Small. They are all under 100 pounds, I’m sure. Maybe average 70 pounds. These are wool sheep.
Horns: Yes, big. But they don’t ram people.
Asking: $75 each or $375 for all seven.
Located in Mount Horeb, Wisconsin. Email me at shoshanahm@yahoo.com if you are interested.

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